It's that time! Yep yep. So how is everyone? This is my weekly Wednesday weigh in!
I get to ask how your previous week has been- and hopefully get you back on track for the days to follow, if you have fallen off the wagon. As we all sometimes do (myself included). I like Wednesdays because of this. But I've always liked Wednesdays. And it's kinda weird, cause Wednesday is reallllly my sunday. I started work for the week on Thursdays. Sooo yeah. My last hoo-ra of the 'weekend'. So I'll start with me- and hopefully in the comments below, I'll have a listen at what's been up with you and your goals/challenges/thoughts for the week ahead! So for me.... I have had an interesting whirl wind, start to the week. But have finally came back down to a solid focus now. Thankfully! Hey- I'm human! It's all good! For starters- I will evaluate what was wrong with my start. I didn't have any goals for the week written down nor in my mind. Nor did I feel inspired by anything. Not motivated, etc. But that all goes back to 'my plan'. If you don't have one, then what is going to motivate you? You have to have some goal ahead that makes you want to do something to get there. What are your goals? And how will you get to them? I know we all have lots of goals. But what are you doing about it everyday that will bring you closer to it? I sure was not doing everything right to get to mine. My goals? Well I want to be more active. I want to be smaller/tighter/fitter. Not so out of shape. I've got 2 weddings to go to in June. I'm a bridesmaid in both. Theres gonna be a lot of family/friends I'm going to be seeing, I want to look good! As I don't go back there often :/ Hardly really. I live in California, my family lives in Ga. But I'm excited to be seeing everyone real soon, but I also want to look very nice in my dress! That right there is a goal. HELLO. Lets get it together and achieve my goals. Thats a short term goals. I have many other goals for this year that have to do with my career and other things. But right now I'm focusing on my first quarter year goal, and then my half year goal. Which will all lead to my end of the year goal! :) It's gonna happen! Going back to The Biggest Loser- sorry :/ Don't get annoyed with me talking about this show so often. ha, it inspires me! So I like to share it :) The girl who won- Danni. She said through out the episodes of the show, that she just wanted to lose weight, and didn't really care about the fact she wouldnt win the show. She truly stated almost every episode that she didn't think she had a chance at winning, when she looked around at the competition. This girl, so down on herself. We all do that! We all look around at others and think that can't be. I can't do that- I can't do this. blahhhhh blahh blah. Wanna know what she changed her motto to? WHY NOT ME? Beautiful! Yes, why not you? Cause it can be. You just have to believe it. I love looking back at the beginning of that show and seeing them overweight and all of their negative bad attitudes. Once you finally realize, that it's your negative bad attitude dragging you down and making you want to eat that whole bag of chips and piece of cake alone, you wont want it anymore if you believe in yourself. I promise you. And you've got a whole bunch of reasons to believe in yourself. That is the beauty of every single person in this world. We all are here to contribute our own special talents to everything and everyone. I love to sing, I share it on youtube for people to listen. People love to write- we read inspiring books, we watch inspiring movies that started from a story, we have paintings in our house that make us happy just cause someone painted it for fun. We get taken care of well at the hospital when were sick because someone has patience for people, we have people helping us in their own ways because of their own unique talents. Thankful for everyone who is brave enough to share! Now. Back to what I was saying WHY NOT ME? Yeah why not. So I got my act together yesterday. Wrote down my plans/goals. What I have to do to achieve my quarter year goal. And I'm executing it! In addition to my workout plan as well as my healthy eating plan. I incorporate a day where I let myself go just a tad. And enjoy things I don't normally. And to me- thats ok. I don't over do it. Nor do I eat shitty foods. I eat good foods. Just stuff I don't normally eat. That could mean, whole grain chips and guacamole, whole wheat pizza with cheese :/ and have some cocktails. Just that type of thing. Yes everything in moderation is ok, and if you can be moderate about it and still achieve your goals, thats good for you! But for me- I can't. I like to stick to a healthy plan, and just indulge once a week. I don't trust myself around those foods. Cause I can't just have one :( Yeah- I'm an all or nothing type of gal ;) Now for my goal for the rest of the evening. As I did write this right after my long workout today! Quite proud of myself ;) Operation Krysten _Completed for the day! -I am going to watch last nights episode of Smash, yay. While doing my arm workout. -I will clean up the house! Make it look extra clean and smelling good! -Going to make a healthy dinner of course and smoothie, for lunch right now! Anywho. Write down a plan. Execute it. Fit it specifically around YOU. Don't follow someone else's plan. We've all got our own lives. We have our own needs. You just do you! And share here if you'd like! I'd love to know what everyone is doing to better themselves. I don't know about you. But I want to be the best version of myself- life is just too damn short. We have no time but right now. Now for the recipe! Healthified 'Fried Rice'! What you'll need- Green Peas (frozen) Shredded carrots Brown Rice Egg whites Chopped green Onions Shrimp (or tofu for the vegetarians out there!) Low sodium soy sauce. -Separately: Cook the brown rice. Cook about 1/4 egg whites. Grill the shrimp in soy sauce. -After all 3 are done, cooked separately (obviously)! Now mix in all ingredients in a big sautee pan, and add in the green peas and carrots and green onions. Cook it for about 2 minutes. turn off heat. Cover for about a minute. Add in a bit more soy sauce if you want more flavor. I added in garlic powder as well as cayenne and chili flakes. Topped it with more chopped green onions. YUM! Enjoy!